Big Sister Sally and Little Sister Leah
As a single father, Leah’s dad didn’t have all the answers. He didn’t know how to think about things from a girl’s point of view. Knowing his 11-year-old needed a positive female role model, he enrolled her in Big Brothers Big Sisters.
A little over a year ago Sally attended a Nerium “Get Real” conference, where the company encouraged Brand Partners like herself to learn more about Big Brothers Big Sisters. “They also feature amazing stories about the matches, which piqued my interest,” she says. A co-worker signed up as a volunteer, and soon after, Sally became a Big Sister.
She knew right away that she and Leah would be a good match. “Leah is incredibly smart, fun, mature, and a little sassy,” she says. In the past year, Little Sister Leah has opened up to her Big Sister. “She has always been outgoing and talkative, but now I feel like we are really comfortable with each other,” she says.
“The bond that the two have grown will continue for the rest of their lives.”
– Little Sister Leah’s dad
Leah was all smiles and giggles when they were first matched, but she says she was struggling on the inside. Her dad decided to sign her up to get a Big Sister, she says, because he could see she was sad, and he wanted her to have someone to spend time with and learn from besides him. “At the time, I was kind of depressed because a lot had happened a few months before,” she says. “Sally helped me cope with the situations and helped me get better.”
Big Sister Sally and Little Sister Leah are frequent volunteers at their local animal shelter. Leah loves animals, so they also spend time grooming and feeding horses. They also do crafts, go shopping and try out makeup tips. In the first year of their match, spending time with her Little Sister has had a big impact on Sally, too. “I am learning patience and selflessness,” she says. “It makes me feel good to know that I can assist Leah’s dad in helping her become a strong, independent young woman who knows she is special and loved.”