Big Sister Susan and Little Sister Kylie
In 2009, Kylie was, to use her words, “a lost teenage girl trying to find [her] way.” Struggling with moving back and forth between her parents, Kylie simply hoped that having a Big Sister would provide her with a way to have fun. She joined Big Brothers Big Sisters of Muskingum, Guersney, Morgan and Noble Counties and was matched with her Big Sister Susan. Before long, Kylie realized that she was getting a lot more out of their match than just some fun times. Kylie credits her Big Sister with helping to put her in the position she’s in today: heading to college at Zane State in Zanesville, Ohio.
During her last week in high school, Kylie received an assignment to write a letter to someone who has positively impacted her life. Here is Kylie’s letter.
Dear Susan,
It’s been a while now, but I remember the day we met when I was 13. At first I was scared, but then I realized that you weren’t there for a pay check, you were there because you wanted to help a child in need. At first I didn’t think I needed help; I was just in it for fun. Later in my life I realized I did need help. I was a lost teenage girl trying to find my way. When you and I got matched it was for a reason. I struggled a lot between going back and forth between my parents; even though they were mad you always did your best to make up for it. Without you in my life I honestly don’t believe I would be going to Zane State this fall. I believe I would probably have a baby, or not consider college or even have the good grades that I have now. You don’t understand the positive impact you have made in my life.
This last week of school we are writing letters to people who have made a positive impact on our life and you’re the first person, the only person, who fits for this assignment. I have so many things I am thankful for but having you in my life is definitely one of them.
Susan you don’t always understand everything I go through, maybe you’re not supposed to, but you just being there to listen to me when I talk and when I cry helps so much. You even let me be a part of your amazing family. I am so grateful that they also accept me. I could sit and talk for hours about everything I appreciate that you do for me. The list goes on and on.
Just this last week when we went to the movies and dinner, you said you wanted to be at my wedding and be there when I do have babies, and sometimes might even want to babysit. That just means the world to me that you took me in under your wing without even knowing me.
Every time Ashley would ask how the match was going you always told her that things were going good. I was always worried that the next time we were going to meet it wouldn’t be you.
You and I have more than a “Big Sister” relationship. You are an extra mother figure, but you are more so my best friend! I don’t know what I would ever do without you.
Please don’t change the way you are, you’re the sweetest, most caring woman in the world; you would do anything for anyone before yourself – me. I’m just very grateful!!!!
Love Always,